Hello every one; We have a dometic 3 way fridge ( RM2350 ) that is now around 12 years old, It worked as well as a 3 way fridge could, but now and after a couple of months ( last used at Christmas time ) has desided to not cool the fridge or the freezer. I have tryed 240 volts and gas and it is the same on eather gas or mains power. When i firt tryed it a couple of days ago the freezer started to get very cold ( on mains power ) but today and rechecking to seee how the fridge is performing and it was'nt. Strange!! anyway tryed and switched over to gas and it was the same, even when the "gas ok little meter was still in the green" and our fridge is still not getting cold.
I have removed the top vent on the outside of our caravan to access the top of the heat exchanger at the backof the fridge and that is certainly hot on eather gas of mains power. I even checked the 240volt heater for continunity and that checked out OK, so the fridge seams to be working as far as i can tell , it's just not getting cold. Any idears from the brain trust ???
-- Edited by valiant81 on Saturday 1st of March 2025 10:48:55 PM