Mody Dick the whale and his best friend flipper the dolphin one day decided to go to the movies.
They arrived early and because of their large size they kindly sat in the centre seats of the back row so they would not obstruct the view of other patrons.
Soon after an oyster and a clam entered the theatre and sat in the seats one down and in front of the whale and dolphin. They were good friends also it seemed and between the two of them shared a huge, gigantic, monstrous sized bucket of popcorn.
The whale said to his mate the dolphin "there is no way that little oyster and clam could possibly eat all that popcorn" Flipper replied "Do you think Mody, if we ask them nicely they might share some of the popcorn with us? "
Moby thought for a little while and replied..
"Naw no way... their to shell fish"
No matter how hard it is raining, two pirates may never share an umbrella.