Oftentimes even line fishing you will catch just one sandcrab. This is what I do: Cook the crab. Boil salted water drop the crab in and when it comes back to a rolling boil, boil for a further 6 minutes then let it cool naturally not in ice or the fridge. Remove the meat from the shell (job for management). Make perfect scrambled eggs, just off runny, quickly mix through the crab meat, garnish with some parsley or chives and serve. To die for.
If there is such a thing as a tourist season.... why cant we shoot them?
Yes we make crab and sweet corn soup. Best with fresh corn out of the garden, This years crop is ''Teriffic F1". Absolutely beautiful. Put a blender stick through it before adding the crab. At a pinch when camping we will use tinned cream corn - not as good but not bad. If no crab to be had - chicken is still passable.
If there is such a thing as a tourist season.... why cant we shoot them?
spent a fair bit of time on Thursday Is. No one up that way boils any crabs, crays, they either steam them, cook them in a wok, or deep fry them, give it a try.