Greetings Nutters, Nomads, Fruit loops, excited, and unexcited ,and to you Dreamers, keep Dreaming,,,,, ( Diving into that forbidden place ) !!Men!!, who likes going and getting something out of your Partner's purse, May I say this???? I hate it, doesn't feel right, Its a no go zone,, ,, !!But!!, today Julie asked me to get something out of her purse, looked what I found,,,, any one beat that,,?????,,, a very , very excited Billeeeeeee
Billeeeeeeee you never know what to expect delving into there purses , Yvonne has a new one and I still cant find the bottom ? Gives you a good reason to see if it works though .
Thanks Doug - certainly fits biillleeeee to a tee don't you think? (no malice intended of course!!!). Love your photo Frangipani - you look as though you are enjoying yourself - good on you.
LOL, love that pic your expression with all the Hot Dogs, you sure are a happy soul, if someone can't get a laugh from all your antics lol they have something seriously wrong up top lol.....Kisha