Howdyeeeeee Earthling, Salutations, all you Greens lake inhabitants, Wot a day we have had, Kim and Keven arrived , Spida arrived too, or, was that Yesterday... have not even had time for a old mans nap, today,, Back on topic, I need help , was going to put it in Tech's, !!But!! I though , Tech's or Greens,, Educated ,,??? !!Or!!, Intelligent,,, Sooo Greens, (Intelligent) won ,,this is my problem, Our M/home is rated to 4 ton soo I don't want to have it overloaded, So my problem is this, Does my lap top weigh more after I get it charged up,,,,,or not ,?????? I'm sure Bob and Sally, would like to know this too ,,,,a very excited Billeeeeeee.... Ps , thanks Guys,,,,,
I think it's obvious that if your lap top is fully charged it must weigh more than if it had no charge because technically it is carrying more power but I'm not sure if penguins have knees
Assuming the battery is completely sealed (ie no vents), then there would be no weight gain. For every electron that flows into the battery, one electron flows out.
In any case the total mass of electrons transferred for each ampere-hour of charge is ...
It is quite a conundrum, Billeeeeeee, now Ihave to decide if I power up the laptop before or after I take off on my adventure.
Life's questions are always there for contemplation. Certainly given me something to think about over the next couple of days!!!
I am fun and adventure. So much to see, so much to do, so many people to meet. Will see, do, and meet all that I can.
It is quite a conundrum, Billeeeeeee, now Ihave to decide if I power up the laptop before or after I take off on my adventure. Life's questions are always there for contemplation. Certainly given me something to think about over the next couple of days!!!
Will this be your biggest consideration over the coming days !!!
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Greetings thedes, I can say this with confidence, !!Yes!!, Penguins do have knees, I'm very excited about this, also thedes, do you think the humble Penguins, is Evolving into a bird of flight, or is the penguin Evolving from a bird, of flight to a bird that only walks and not fly's..?????? May I also say this,,??? Rocky Lizard , has been studying the white breasted blue eyed Atlantic Penguin, for 7 years , I believe,,,???? stay excited Nutters, Billeeeeeee
-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Tuesday 23rd of December 2014 04:34:33 PM
Hmmm interesting question. A bit like one I ponder sometimes, if a tanker truck has to deliver a load of Helium, does the truck get lighter the more Helium it takes aboard?
Neil & Lynne
Western Australia
MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3
Greetings thedes, I can say this with confidence, !!Yes!!, Penguins do have knees, I'm very excited about this, also thedes, do you think the humble Penguins, is Evolving into a bird of flight, or is the penguin Evolving from a bird, of flight to a bird that only walks and not fly's..?????? May I also say this,,??? Rocky Lizard , has been studying the white breasted blue eyed Atlantic Penguin, for 7 years , I believe,,,???? stay excited Nutters, Billeeeeeee
That photo looks like Warick Capper.
-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Tuesday 23rd of December 2014 04:34:33 PM
So glad you could help there billeeeeee I haven't slept for days I've watched Happy Feet 12 times I even spent the day at the zoo and 2 nights at Philip island
Greetings thedes, I can say this with confidence, !!Yes!!, Penguins do have knees, I'm very excited about this, also thedes, do you think the humble Penguins, is Evolving into a bird of flight, or is the penguin Evolving from a bird, of flight to a bird that only walks and not fly's..?????? May I also say this,,??? Rocky Lizard , has been studying the white breasted blue eyed Atlantic Penguin, for 7 years , I believe,,,???? stay excited Nutters, Billeeeeeee
That photo looks like Warick Capper.
-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Tuesday 23rd of December 2014 04:34:33 PM
No this is Warwick Capper...............Billeeeeeee