I had a lovely 8 days stay at Greens Lake - was only going o stay for 3 but enjoyed it so much. It is certainly and beautiful spot with a few nights watching a gorgeous moon rising over the water. I met some very nice travelers - namely Patti (or Half Pint and her little dog Minnie) - they made me feel very welcome. Also had a chat with Norma and Heather before they pulled out for a couple of weeks. I spent quite some time on and in the water, although stayed clear over the weekend when we had a lot of locals in tents come out with their boats and noise - could have done without them.
I will definitely make it back there at some stage in the future. Currently heading to Mildura and then over to WA for a stint.
It was lovely to meet you Rhonda. If only briefly at the Stanhope Sunday roast, we did manage to have a bit of a chat. Might see you in the West somewhere.