I was at the Police boys club where all the ladies sat around the edge of the dance floor and the males gathered in the corner. The music would begin and it was like the start of the Melbourne Cup with all the young men jostling for positions. During a waltz when we changed partners there was this angel with long black hair, a blue shimmer and dark brown eyes. Being brave after a beer or three I said you would be the prettiest girl in the room to which she replied you have not seen my five sisters. I said your dad must have his work cut out keeping an eye on you all and she said not really I have six brothers that do that. We were married in 69 and had five daughters that have her features. We were together for 43 years until she passed away in 2012 but her five daughters have assumed her role and keep me under control, in a nice way. (yes, of course, done that, all fixed, plenty of food in the fridge and frozen home made meals in the freezer.
Moorey. That was beautiful. Thanks for posting it. I met my girl in 72, married her a year later and have been blessed ever since. What a life we lead.....