A neighbour who was sick of blowing a fuse when using his welder, substituted the fuse on the welder circuit with a 4" nail. First try of his welder and all the power points on the same circuit blew out.
A neighbour who was sick of blowing a fuse when using his welder, substituted the fuse on the welder circuit with a 4" nail. First try of his welder and all the power points on the same circuit blew out.
A neighbour who was sick of blowing a fuse when using his welder, substituted the fuse on the welder circuit with a 4" nail. First try of his welder and all the power points on the same circuit blew out.
I tried this at my Mums house a while ago. The cord ran over something sharp and was cut in two. All power went out. Could not find a blown fuse so called electrician. He could not find a problem so he called electrical supplier who was working in next block. Found it was a blown fuse on the pole. Fixed and went away. Sparky charged me for a call out only. Only happen in country town, like Longreach.