Good point! Looking at the hitch I suspect that the owners are not the brightest stars in the sky either! Cheers
Well they have had practise using chains!
Those chains on the wheels would do little to stop the van moving forwards, albeit only a small distance. Why the ramps? All they are doing is raising the rear of the van. Why?
It would seem that a crane was used to raise tgphe front of the van to that height, as using a trolley-jack or similar would have involved muliple small lifts. Perhaps a High Lift Offroad Type jack?
Seems to be a set-up as no person with an IQ above 27 would supportd the van as it is, surely? Cheers
P.S At least this set-up is on level ground, and looks stable?
I have just lost a whole hour sitting here trying to work out. How long it's going to take to hitch up... And then my mind wandered back through my travells too a caravan park that we once parked at...