Albo has cancelled his Voice Proposal. After declaring the Whole of Greater Sydney a suburb of Mumbai, and hence no longer under his control, he said, well bugger it.
Geelong Council has also ceceeded from the country after voting to abandon Australia Day, so they can eat curry as well.
He just loves sucking up to all the world leaders doesn't he.
I wish he would start actually running the country instead and tackle some of the serious issues such as the cost of living and the housing crisis instead of just making muffled noises with his head stuck up some leaders bum.
I had high hopes for him after that absolute lunatic we had in before him, but unfortunately so far he has been a disappointment like so many others before him.
There are so many Australians living hand to mouth with some serious social issues to conquer that we could really do without our governments thinking they can cure the world's ills. Charity begins at home, but they all seem to lose sight of that in their rush to look someone special on the world stage.